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Blog Post #1: A Letter to our Family

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

Dear friends of the Lily Li Future Foundation,

Welcome to our blog! Here, we’ll share updates on initiatives and events, as well as insights and stories of success along the way.

Our founder, Lily Li, knows from experience the transformative power of mentorship. Her foundation exists to find and assist aspiring innovators, whether they be entrepreneurs, engineers, artists, or anyone looking to shape the world. Through her resources, Lily hopes to offer the next generation both professional connections and a platform to voice their ideas and achievements.

While the official formation of our foundation has only just begun, we’ve been developing our programs and network for quite some time. For the past several years, our team has produced events at Carnegie Hall, the Harvard Club, and the Police Athletic League and organized formal mentorships through international exchange trips. We take great pride in bringing multiple generations of thinkers together, particularly when we are able to connect those starting their careers to leaders in industry. Empowering the next generation is our foundation’s focus, and we are hopeful we will inspire young talent towards greatness along their professional and personal journeys.

It goes without saying that we can’t achieve our goals alone. Your support will matter greatly to our cause. Assistance can come in many different forms, whether it be through organized mentorships, networking opportunities, event planning, or consultation. While we plan to focus on the development of our foundation’s programs in public policy, business and technology, and the arts, we aren’t bound to restrict mentorship to these areas. Skills and connections from any industry are welcome, and we’re optimistic that you will learn as much from our fellows as they will from you.

We have a series of fantastic events planned for the second half of 2022 that we’re excited to soon announce. Additionally, we have begun to recognize our foundation’s first beneficiary recipients! We look forward to showcasing their stories and ideas with you here.

Thank you in advance for your involvement and support. Together, we will create a better future and a better world for all.


The Lily Li Future Foundation Team

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